lets hear it for the...bikes?

this work week has left me in shambles. a lot of stuff going down work wise. busy is good but this has gone above and beyond busy. oh well, it's friday.

rode my medium length route home last night as i was running late getting out. i rode pretty hard (channeling my work frustration) and the good thing was that although it rained all afternoon  and again at night, i wasn't raining when i headed home. nice. a 'normal' commute tonight (hopefully). a shake out spin tomorrow. then it's L'Alpe Bl'Huez on sunday. i'm going to ride out there to get some extra training time out of the deal. i have never felt comfortable climbing that hill - so why not go and try to race up it?

oh, i'm really sore from my little run a few nights back. how is it i can have one of my best bike training years in the past 5 yet i still get so darn sore from a goofy little run? anyway, makes me think i need to sprinkle some short runs in just to prime the legs for cross. i know it doesn't make that big a difference in the cross race but it should help in how i recover at least.

happy friday.


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