
mitt romney is a snake. i'm already sick of hearing him pander to the right while contradicting his own past as an elected official in massachusetts. now, i'm a bit more pragmatic than i used to be regarding politics. i can see some benefits of financial conservatism. i don't necessarily mind having a strong military (as long as we aren't using it to get revenge for daddy), and don't get me started with labor unions, but why do the republicans have such bad candidates (and why are they so bad at being conservatives)? and more importantly, why do the american people vote for them? i know, nobody comes here to read about my political thoughts.

i got out and ran this morning. man, my legs ache. i hope this passes before the big race.

other than that, not much going on. it's my week of 4-10 hr days into 14 hours of class...so it's a busy week. oh, and we paid tuition last night (yikes!).

happy tuesday.


Patrick said…
If we had the answer to those questions we probably wouldn't be in the position that we are now - which is to say, we wouldn't be fucked.

I would only add that the the Democrats pander at least as well, if not better. Top contributors to both parties last election: lawyers, big pharma, and credit bankers (citigroup,etc). Need I say more.

Is it time for another election cycle already? Ugh.
andyH. said…
yea, it's naive to think that big business isn't sculpting politics. but, mitt is trying to trick his potential constituency. i have two examples off the top of my head:

1) he recently denounced sex education starting at kindergarden (in response to o'bama), even though he signed that into law in mass.

2) prior to hillary clinton disclosing her health care plan, he denounced it as being a eurpean type deal that won't work--when in actually, her plan was very similar to the one he signed in as law in mass (which i believe is the current system in massechusetts).

don't get me wrong, they are all sketchy. but this guy, in my estimation, takes the cake (so far anyway).

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