
well, saturday's race unfolded a little differnetly than i had hoped. namely, i ran slower than i wanted overall and faster than i wanted over the first mile (28:43 and 5:06, respectively). man, it goes out hard downhill and finishes uphill, which makes parcelling your effort pretty important. plus, i was actually racing people for once and i think i got a little caught up in it. anyway, i had fun and got to see pat (who won the race-nice work).

the rest of the weekend brought a lot of r and r on lake altoona. oliver got to swim (a lot) and has been accordingly tired all day today. i spend 2.5-3 hours working on my first assignment this afternoon, and i'll spend a little more time on it tonight. i can say that i know (generally) what i want to write, i just need to find the words. hmmm, it's like i'm back in school or something.

anyway, it was a good race. it was a good weekend. and now, it's time to get to work...school starts thursday.

happy monday.


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