this thing

i've alluded to my issues many times before. the older i get, the more sensitive i get to food. i've been trying to modify my diet (removing fructose/fructanes specifically) and while it seemed to help a little it still hasn't eliminating feeling un-well. for instance, i woke up monday feeling tired and that progressed throughout the day (gi unrest, mental fog, feeling crappy) and through yesterday. by the end of the two day crud, i'm exhausted and irritable despite my best efforts to stay positive. i really want to figure this thing out because it puts a major damper on my quality of life. not only does it suck feeling bad but i'm getting more and more afraid/neurotic about food.

sorry for that.

i did get out for 45 minutes of running last night. the water from the melt was starting to freeze up but as long as i stayed on the roads i was ok.

happy wednesday.

oh, that reminds me. every first wednesday of the month here is doughnut day. you can always tell when they get delivered because a heard of people head towards the breakroom. you'd think they were handing out 100 dollar bills or something but no, it's just a 25 cent doughnut. i haven't had one in months and do not miss it.


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