hitting the fan
so lance steps down from his chairman position of livestrong. nike 'fires' lance. leipheimer gets fired by his belgian team while at the same time they commend him for coming clean. the problem with all of this is that these guys have already capitalized on their glory. they have made their millions. so, now that they have their cake they get to eat it too. and someone else will hire levi to be sure.
the whole thing confuses me. the only thing that stands to be gained from dredging the prior offenses is tarnishing the reputation of the sport. what is coming out now happened ages ago in terms of what is probably going on right now. and, all we are really hearing about is americans. for decades there were very few americans that were able to compete at the highest levels and then (i guess) we caught up and surpassed the european abilities to dope. but, i look at a sport like cyclocross and see 5 or 6 belgians at the front of the world championships and have to believe that there is some sort of doping today. i hope not but come on, how can they be inherently that much better? i don't really know where i'm going with this so i'll stop.
i still felt pretty tired on the ride home last night. the soreness has subsided this morning but am still feeling fatigue. i'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. it is looking like another ride home in the rain. oh well.
the cross bike is now good as new. adjusted the brakes to the ea70/racing ralphs and gave the bike a once over with a veloshine wipe to get the remaining residual mud and grass. i also aired up the tires on the mountain bike but with the rain scheduled to hit late afternoon it will probably be for naught. i'm not going to get all muddied up before a race weekend.
happy wednesday.
the whole thing confuses me. the only thing that stands to be gained from dredging the prior offenses is tarnishing the reputation of the sport. what is coming out now happened ages ago in terms of what is probably going on right now. and, all we are really hearing about is americans. for decades there were very few americans that were able to compete at the highest levels and then (i guess) we caught up and surpassed the european abilities to dope. but, i look at a sport like cyclocross and see 5 or 6 belgians at the front of the world championships and have to believe that there is some sort of doping today. i hope not but come on, how can they be inherently that much better? i don't really know where i'm going with this so i'll stop.
i still felt pretty tired on the ride home last night. the soreness has subsided this morning but am still feeling fatigue. i'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. it is looking like another ride home in the rain. oh well.
the cross bike is now good as new. adjusted the brakes to the ea70/racing ralphs and gave the bike a once over with a veloshine wipe to get the remaining residual mud and grass. i also aired up the tires on the mountain bike but with the rain scheduled to hit late afternoon it will probably be for naught. i'm not going to get all muddied up before a race weekend.
happy wednesday.