a step back in quality.
another dandy day yesterday. stressful at work (although, my nemesis put in her notice...which made my morning), stessful at home, and then homework until almost 11:30. in keeping with the current holiday advertising blitz, family plans for christmas have been a source of stress. it has a little to do with the monopolizing of our weekends off from school between holidays and wedding stuff. come on, throw us a bone. 6hours of driving/weekend in potential winter weather isn't my idea of a winter break, not to mention the fact that i've gotten little to *no* quality time with my wife since, oh, the semester started...but i digress.
i wish i could run/ride a bike/sleep. but, i need to work. work work. school work.
happy wednesday.
i wish i could run/ride a bike/sleep. but, i need to work. work work. school work.
happy wednesday.