spain rain.

8 miles this morning. i had wanted to do 5 miles at 1/2 marathon pace this morning but i was having some...uhhhh....stomach issues. i'll leave it at that, but all in all it was a good run. i woke up to a peach/orange hue in the sky that slowly transitioned to dark gray. but no rain.

i got my student id yesterday. all these little things are making this seem more and more real. i mean, when i was applying...stressing out about my purpose statement, it all seemed so abstract. but now it is about a month away. we went to see our financial planner last night for some advice on how we should pay for the whole thing. he did that, and helped us manage some retirement funds. but most importantly, he reminded me that i can now golf at the university ridge for like half price. well, half price greens fees for a $30k program. but i guess the more perks you use, the less the education cost, right? (in theory)

anyway, time to go be the boss. get to work!

happy tuesday.


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