novocaine for the soul.

why do people choose to not use their turn signal? in denmark, everyone uses it. here...not so much. i'm no sociology whiz, but it seems to be indicative of something just how considerate people here are towards one another. doesn't it seem that people are becoming less and less caring about one another? i know i'm guilty of it. no turn signal, loud music, not cleaning up the crap in your yard, doing what YOU want all the time. minor examples i know. but none the less indicitive (in my opinion).

i did a hot lap on my hour loop last night (bike). felt ok, although i'm feeling a little tentative about my abilities on a bike these days. mowed the yard to try to get a jump on this weekend's forcasted wet weather. i must say it looks damn good.

i better wrap this up....before i sputter out.


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