cool weather.

on my way into work i saw a dead possum (i know, real interesting). but it reminded me of something i saw over the weekend. i got up at 5 to get the bike to the start line and as i was walking out of the hotel a feret-like creature was running accross the parking lot. or weasel. or whatever but it looked like a feret. ok, so it's not really that interesting but that is what you get for reading this.

last night after dog class i did pilates. oliver thought i looked like a fool but i can really see how that can improve flexability/core strength. i only did the exercise turorial dvd so i'm not too sore, maybe tonight i'll do the actual 20 minute workout.

speaking of dog class, oliver was a freak. barking and trying to jump up on the instructor. it's weird, when he is supposed to be doing something he does it-no problem. he is the best in the class at doing the 'tricks.' but in between, when the instructor is talking, he is probably the worst dog in class (besides the collie next to us that is). he is still a baby so i guess he's got an excuse.


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