it's hard out here for a pimp.

sam, ron, me and ??? will be going a little big this afternoon. if you are local and you want in give a holler.

met the puppies yesterday. also met mother (hershey) and father (beezer). nice doggies all around, but it was also very clear that we will spend the next 2 years (or more) honing our patience skills. but i guess we knew that coming in and is why we have put off getting a dog for the past 3 years. they really are nice dogs and i look forward to a new family member (hopefully i am not allergic!).

cut out from work a tad early on friday for 3 hrs of riding. got 2 in yesterday and today could be as many as 4. i'll take 7-9 hrs of riding in march in 3 days....that is a good week in january!


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