
every year, my dad likes to suprise his eldest children (beth and i) with some major life news. well, i got the scoop on this year's suprise. he moved in with his 21 year old girlfriend in eau claire. mind you, he owns a house in fall creek. so, another thing to file under the wtf? file.

i have spent my adult life trying to not be like him. at times, i'll laugh like him or say something that he would say and it literally makes me cringe. it's not that i don't love the guy, it's just that i don't like him a whole lot. maybe next year i'll have a step mom that is 8 years younger than me...

anyway, last work day before the holiday. 4 days off...if you can call traveling all over the state to witness 3 distinctly different flavors of drama days off.

i'm going to try to be happy now. i hope everyone else is as well. seriously, have a happy holiday. and if you don't celebrate christmas, take the day off from normal activities anyway.

best wishes and much cheer.


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