
i have the bad habit of regularly checking the blogs of some of the local cycling 'talent' from time to time. the big thing now is doing things 'pro.'

"i ate 2 ham sandwhiches halfway through my ride, that was so pro."

"i cut my own hair short, that's pro."

pro, pro, pro, everything is pro. ride your bikes for the love of god. out of everything you do, that is the most pro. if i had any natural talent at all i'd smoke every last one of those suckas, but since i don't i'll just bad mouth them a bit.

intervals last night hurt in the wind. another set of 5/2 on the bike (6x). ends up being 30 minutes of time trialing. good for the goose. honk.

sarah vowell last night was entertaining. it was fun mostly because you could tell she hated that she was there talking to all those dorks (us included). she intimidated me, which, when we arrived to the front of the line to have our books signed, rendered me to talk in the third person (wtf??). robin saved it by saying something nice to her, but otherwise i thought she was going to destroy me. a hasty retreat was in order.
she is slight of build and a big dork and i am intimidated...what does that say about me???

nothing that i didn't already know i guess. cheers.


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