allergies or cold???

that is the it always seems to be this time of year. it's great that everything is in full bloom, but at the same time i feel like the bottom of a pig farmer's shoe. i'm leaning towards allergies because it's not really getting any worse. i felt really bad yesterday, almost bagged the run but ended up feeling pretty good afer 20 minutes or so. swimming this morning was rough, i cut the main set short (in terms of intensity...i still managed the full distance). hopefully i can get this all in check before the weekend. if i can't, it's not that big of a deal, i've got just under 5 weeks to figure it out before auburn though.

brewers are's too early to be sliding brew crew! pick it up.

not much else to report. now it's looking to be a little chilly this weekend. no worries, the more suffering involved usually the better i am (relative to the competition). and maybe some cooler temps with stunt some of the allergins floating around....


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