second verse

i just wanted to stay home this morning. tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week. besides everyone needing to get out of the house for the first time of the week, it is garbage day and today was my first day of the week riding in which always leaves me scrambling to find my gear - especially this time of the year. lights, thermal layers, pack a lunch, etc. all things that should be old hat always seem foreign the first commute day of the week. today was no different. then, oliver really had no interest coming back in the house so i could leave which delayed me further. once i did get out of the house it was cold. my feet are still a little numb. on top of it, i am not feeling well - a case of the yucks to be sure.

i really cannot believe it is thanksgiving in just over a week - it really snuck up on me this year. i was thinking during my run last night (6 miles or so, felt really good considering how little running i've been doing) that prior to last year, the hales corner race (always the weekend before thanksgiving) was usually the end of the cx season. i must admit, there is something to be said about that. i'm loving racing but this time of the year gets so busy - weekends fill up, my clients want to burn any remaining budget for the year (and there are a lot of days lost to holidays) and it is cold and dark. i have a feeling that the december races will disappear next year without nationals so close to home - but i could be wrong.

happy tuesday.


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