dark dark night

extended my ride home last night (which pretty much started at the 4:44pm sunset). i rode on roads to the military ridge trail and then rode that home. my commuter light is OK but i think i'm going to bust out my HID light for commuting. might as well, i've got it and i've used it only a handful of times since i made the investment. 1 time per year to be specific. that light would make my ride a lot better!

i've got some bike work to do tonight. and, i didn't ride in so i'll need to run or something. between the predicted mixed precipitation day and voting i figured it was best to just drive in.

speaking of voting - i'm sure going to miss the campaign ads. how on earth will the fill the vacuum of ad space? i know, maybe they should now start incessantly showing christmas ads. i'm an ideas man.

well, i've got a meeting to go to.

happy tuesday.


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