moving on up.

betsy's wedding is in the books. i ate and drank way too much but i guess that means it was a good weekend. friday morning while out for my training ride i managed to crash at quarry ridge. i was trying to keep my arms from getting cut by the overgrown thorn bushes and hit a ridge and went down pretty hard. it was one of those falls where you are on the ground before you know what happened. i landed square on my collar bone but no pain there. i somehow banged my leg into the bike and that is what has been sore. so sore i was unable to run as planned on saturday or sunday. oh well.

back on the horse tonight.

i managed a few good pictures using robin's new camera. i must say i'm a better photographer with an slr than i am with a point and shoot. i doesn't hurt to take a kajillion photos...1 or 2 are bound to turn out!

that is all i know. well, all i can brain is still a little scrambled this morning.

happy monday.


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