
i last posted on october 15th. Miles Owen was born on October 16th - which was the beginning of a period of challenges due to having a new born in the house, being the busiest i have ever been at work and being sick for the better part of the past 6 to 8 weeks. i did manage a few rides and even a race shortly following his arrival - but after that pulled the plug and really haven't exercised at all during my illness spells.

robin goes back to work this week - and while it will be very hard for us all in the beginning, i think it will also be very good for us. we will all settle back into a routine - regular morning hours, regular evening hours and (hopefully) an opportunity for both R and i to start training again. we both have some big plans this year athletically - and plenty of time to achieve them as they don't start until september.

i'd like to do a year in review type of thing, but i'm not sure i will have the time. it has been a very busy year but we have gotten a lot done. i raced nationals, went to watch the world championships, added 7 people to my group, we had a great vacation which ended in a couple of hospitalizations for calvin, and we added a new member to our team. this were just the main points - some of the fill in the blank stuff was also great.

i'd like to start updating this blog more often - i miss the catharsis it offers. nothing i write here is all that deep but it does help me to sort out my thoughts. it also serves to give me a reminder of how good this life is.

happy new year to everyone that might set eyes on this (all three of you).

and, happy monday.


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