it's all just the same

every morning starts the same. i check through my list of bike blogs, think about how i should do more training, and then remember that i am dealing with a pretty big motivational crisis. how does one overcome this? the weather doesn't help. if we had good snow, i could ski and snowshoe. if it wasn't icey, i could ride my single speed or run more outside. that leaves me with sitting in the basement on the trainer. and lets face it, nobody is down with that. if i ever want to get back into anything resembling fitness, i'm going to have to actually start doing something. maybe tonight...

i'm currently reading the book 'outliers: story of success' by malcolm gladwell. i've only made it through the first few chapters so far (i would get a lot further if i read it sitting upright and earlier in the day) but it is already interesting. most people assume that the uber successful are just inherently better than everyone...and to a certain extent that is true. but the book also shows that hard work is a key component to success...and it seems that 10,000 hours of practice is a pretty good standard to become expert in any field (or at least realize your full inherent potential). but, as someone with a lower talent level but high work ethic, i already kind of knew that. the book also points out that most successful people are lucky.

i've been working at my current company over 5 years now...which puts me over 10,000 hours. i do fine here, but it is clear that i am not expert in my field. i don't think it disproves what the book says...i think it shows that this is not my calling in life. i guess i knew that too. on my to do list during break, i have 'update my resume' just for that reason. i'm beginning to develop an affinity for a certain field and now i just need the gumption to take the necessary steps.

this post has become quite obtuse. maybe i'm getting a little introspective due to the impending close of 2008. maybe it's because i think 2009 will be a big year for me and my family. maybe it's because i don't want to do my work.

happy tuesday.


Chuckles said…
Two words....Cellular Dynamics.

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