this weekend.

whew, what a weekend. friday night ronny boy and i got together to work on the sponsorship proposal and talk some smack. it's coming along nicely and should be finished tonight.

saturday robin and i got up relatively early and eased into the day. but there was work to be done and that is what we did. she wrapped up the bathroom project and i cleaned all the windows in the house. i pulled the screens off and stored them in the basement, we get noticably more light in the house now. after lunch, i did some riding with ron on the knobbies at blackhawk. the trails were perfect and we were loading the bikes when the rains came...perfect timing. then i spent some time reaffirming my dislike of iowa football and then went to jt whitney's for some food and to drown our sorrows. off too the residents' party saturday night (i learned that a lot of iowa docs come to madison for their residencies) where i continued to drown my sorrows.

yesterday was equally as productive. we sorted through some junk in some closets/basement. we are actually getting a little closer to being organized. we dropped off some junk at goodwill and then ran some errands. watched the packers beat the falcons (wtf?) and then worked on the single speed a bit. anyway, it was a busy weekend but a necessary one.

snow this week. not much here but our friends to the north are set for 4-8". i guess it's that time of the year!!


Anonymous said…
"snow this week. not much here but our friends to the north are set for 4-8". i guess it's that time of the year!!"

Adam said…
snow???? geez its like 75 down here in atlanta! :P

single speed ehhh? is it a fixed gear?
andyH. said…
not a fixie, i'm too big a fan of the free wheel. i think i'm going to take the back brake off...

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