
the family and i decided to head to grafton for the pumpkin cross race on saturday. grafton is a little further than i'd normally go for a 45 minute race, but with some scheduling conflicts during the closer races later in the season we decided to go for it. well, the flat tire i got halfway through lap two made that decision feel like a bad one. i got out pretty good, and after 10 minutes felt strong for once. i was in great position and had just mentally committed to moving up when after riding the sand i blew my rear on the transition to pavement. lights out (no pit bike/wheels). oh well, we managed to make lemonade by spending a nice afternoon in cedarburg.

yesterday, i felt like sh*t. i've been dealing with this 'thing' for over 10 years now. the whole day, i had my typical symptoms:
hot flashes, irritable, hard to concentrate (foggy), sinus conjestion, gums feel like they are swollen, body aches, insatiable hunger, and gi 'issues.' i still haven't been able to figure it out but it affects my abilities as a dad, as a husband, as a professional and as an athlete and i'm sick of it. it seems diet related - i know that onions, garlic and alcohol causes it but that there are other things. the only think i've found that helps are starbucks doubleshot espresso drinks and a good nights sleep. i'd pretty much do anything to figure this out. maybe it is time to seek medical help again.

sorry about that...but it has been bad lately and i've been miserable (and making robin's life miserable as well). i did manage to get out on the mountain bike yesterday for a bit. rode to and at blackhawk and it is actually in pretty good shape right now (for blackhawk). mostly just one last bike check before mike's race this weekend.

anyway, happy monday.


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