smells like up-dog in here.

trainer last night. i had all my clothes at work to get out and ski after work...except my jacket. in light of the 2 degree temp when i got out of work...i opted for basement training.

i'll try skiing again tonight (this time i have my jacket).

i got my grade back from my first assignment for biotechnology operations. some good things and some bad. i'll take the AB, whatever that means, i know i did the best i could. the work/school balance is going to be a struggle this semester, which i think is part of the point of the program.

we watched superbad last night. that's about all i have to say about that.

happy tuesday.


Josh B said…
Whats up dog?
andyH. said…
not much g, just chillin.'

that joke never gets old, even when you know its coming.

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