the biggest...

there is a group of people i work with that are doing a weight loss pool. whoever loses the most weight by some day in march wins the prize. but, people were weighing in with staplers, paper weights, small volkswagons...anything that would increase their weight at the intial weight in which would give them a shot without actually having to lose weight. classic.

played basketball last night and felt good. i didn't necessarily play well, but my strength and stamina are getting better without a doubt. i didn't end up riding outside on tuesday, there was just too much fog to be riding around at night. but i did manage 1.5 hrs on the trainer with 1 leg and high cadence drills mixed in. man i wish the trainer was more exciting...

so is vince young human? jaw dropping. both his skills and the inability of the usc defense to stop him. the outcome wasn't what i was hoping for, but what a great game. and tonight...i go to bed at ten instead of almost midnight.


Patrick said…
You think someone on USC would have played Madden and been familiar with the linebacker "QB Spy".
Anonymous said…
problem is... you need more than one spy to stop that freak...

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