this weekend hurt, and i don't mean in a good way. friday night ron and christy (and the sydster) came over for dinner. i was absolutely beat when they left (chasing an 11 month old is hard work). sleeping in seemed like the thing to do. saturday, we did some major house cleaning, caught some of the badger game (holy crap) and then it was time for kevin and heather's wedding. it was a nice event, but i drank a little too much. topped the night off with toppers and headed to bed to sleep it off. well, that plan didn't come to fruition. a couple hours later, robin was up with a major stomach virus that required her...ahem...to get rid of some goods (fore and aft). that's an understatement, because by the time she was done (4 hours later) she was on 'e.' she couldn't eat all day yesterday and even drinking was upsetting her stomach. needless to say, she isn't going to work today...even if her stomach was back to normal she's got nothing in the tank.
i wonder how pat's race went this weekend?
i wonder how pat's race went this weekend?