take all that you want and multiply by zero

ugh. that is how i would sum up our august. since my last post, calvin had a second hospitalization for similar issues. the silver lining is that we have gotten the attention of the asthma/allergy department at uw which is a worldwide leader. we are very fortunate to live so close to world class medical facilities. obviously, my first choice would be to not need them but it sure is nice to know that one of the best is 15 minutes down the road.

work has be wearing me down as well. we really have a lot going on and with all the new analysts in my group i'm mostly just reacting to situations.

and the bike. during calvin's stretch of sick and our vacation (a 3+ week span total) i rode a handful of times. i've been able to string together a nice little block currently - not just in terms of days but also in terms of quality of effort. the first cx practice was wednesday and it was pretty laid back but i ended up going pretty deep. i helped joe set the course, then we did start drills around the soccer field. i did twice as many reps as anyone else (minimizing rest) so that by the time i had done my 7 starts i was cross eyed and struggling to catch my breath. then we did the normal pre-ride lap and then a hard set of 3. it was starting to get pretty late by then so i went and did a few laps on my own. all in all, it was a pretty intense workout and i felt it yesterday. i forgot how delightfully hard cross is - here is to making the most of my shortened season.

lastly, our new addition. robin is on track and doing really well. again, we feel very fortunate.

happy friday.


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