boy this thing is croaking

a lot has happened since i posted last. i'm no longer sick, we bought a 2009 honda odessey (zoiks!), spent independence day on big cedar lake with the curtes family/friends, made a trip to ikea (for calvin's new room) and played a lot over the holiday weekend including a family bike ride to the crit races on sunday followed by a trip to pool to end the weekend with a swim. man it was great which was verified by the fact that i was pretty dead tired through wednesday of this week. i've been logging decent mileage on the bike as well, if it's july then it is time to start focusing for cross! i'm going to try my hand at the blue mounds road race tomorrow (wisport) to get some intensity. and then, i'm going to race the wisconsin ss state championships at beechwood. i never thought i would ever race single speed but i'm loving it on my cross bike so why not try it on the mtb?

work is super busy as well. i now have 9 direct reports which is a lot to keep track of. robin is doing well and is just about the cutest pregnant lady in the history of pregnant ladies. there, my two readers have been updated.

happy friday.


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