still sore

every day the soreness changes so i guess that is good. my left wrist and right shoulder continue to make me cringe at times but slowly i think i'm getting better. right now i'd probably bag the cheese ride (if it were happening tomorrow) since 120+ miles would be a lot of abuse to absorb on already sore joints. but luckily i've still got a couple of weeks to heal.

last week i managed close to 5 hours on the trainer which was about my max for what i can take mentally. last night i was back at it for an hour with 3x8 minutes 'hard.' more of the same tonight i guess (yuck).

it's election day today. i've tried to not discuss politics on this blog since it seems to strike a nerve regardless of what side you are on. but vote damn isn't a perfect system but this is your chance to be heard (convening on the capital may seem cool but where did it get everyone?).

happy tuesday.


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