wonderfully exhausted

the first couple of days home have been challenging but very rewarding. calvin wasn't getting the calories he needed but nobody really figured it out until he had lost close to 14% of his body weight. while we wait for the milk fairy to visit robin, we are now supplementing his feedings with formula and it has made a huge difference. our first 4 nights with him (i'm including the night of labor) we amassed around 8 hours of total sleep... we eclipsed that in last night alone. he woke up twice for feedings but was so tired and so content he slept at least 2 hours between each.

with the calorie needs being met, we also have had some awake time where he isn't crying hysterically. looking into his blue eyes melts my heart and i am in total awe of him.

i am also in awe of my wife. i always knew she was a strong and patient woman but the past week has demonstrated that i didn't even know the half of it.

i also want to point out that pat, katie and charlotte went home for the first time as a family the same day we did. while charlotte and calvin took greatly different routes to get there, those two going home on the same day seems very fitting. thanks for the birthday charlotte!

happy friday.


lisa said…
The milk fairy took awhile in our household too. We couldn't figure out why Mathias was trying to eat his hand his first 3 days until a visiting nurse practically ran for the sample of formula we had in our kitchen after weighing him. He lost a lot of weight as well but it sure made a big difference quickly.

That is so wonderful that Charlotte and Calvin went home on the same day!
benbarts said…
Dude, congrat's! He looks great!

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