periodized racing

i have always intended on developing an annual training plan and then following it. i usually do it for a month or two and then go back to the same old...unstructured training. with the new addition poised to flip my world upside down in terms of free time, i am going to have to be a little more intelligent with my training decisions. and such is the genesis for my periodized racing plan.

generally speaking based on this years race schedules:
December - February: unstructured, 3-5 workouts/wk with some weight lifting work
March - June: "Base" training/racing phase
April: Madison-Basco-Madison (H8er)
May: WEMS @ Stumpfarm, 6 hours
May: WEMS @ Northern Kettles, 6 hours
June: WEMS @ John Muir, 6 hours
July - early September: "Build" training/racing phase
July: WORS @ Eau Claire
July: WORS @ Sunburst
August: intensity training
Mid-September to November: "Race" phase
September: Fat Tire Festival

my peak would obviously be targeted at the end of the year - fat tire and cross. i picked some of my other efforts based on places i like to ride and proximity to family. this allows me to do a variety of racing while still (in theory) allowing me to focus in on 1 'season' of the year.

sounds good now...we'll see i guess.


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