and the rift widens.

remember when daylight saving time was a source of major discontent? even if you didn't hate it (the whole losing an hour of sleep/hour in the bars thing that is), it was really hard to remember when you were in college. you know, you party all weekend...and you sleep all day sunday, so who cares what time it is. then, you roll into your 8am class on monday and everyone is leaving because it's 9. well, most people sitting around me at work are still dealing with these 'problems.'

of course, as someone who isn't necessarily a morning person but enjoys being active in the outdoors, i love it. and it coming early this year is like getting dessert before dinner. if i didn't have homework to do (due at 10pm tonight), i could go for a solid ride after work and not finish in the dark. could is the operative word. maybe tomorrow.

happy monday.


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