better way?

punch the clock. break rocks. punch the clock. go home. repeat 5 times.

pat heads to korea today for the world cup 100km race. the scope of this race is such that i feel a little bad reporting on my run last night. so, he is doing 10-10km laps against world class competition (wearing the stars and stripes) i went out for a 10km scamper (1-10km) on the ice age trail. it felt good, and i found some new trails that seem really nice.

robin has had a set back with her back problems. it's frustrating to see her in such pain...and there is nothing i can do. you know, if someone has a cold you can tuck them in, feed them some soup, get some movies for them. with this, there is nothing.

dog class last night was a chore. same story, he does the skills on demand (mostly) but inbetween he freaks out. and he is getting strong. he is scheduled for neutering on friday. i'm torn about's not that i want to breed him (although he is a handsome dog) but it seems really drastic to snip him...but on the other hand most dogs are and we take care of some of the weird aggression things that can happen. poor fellow. he has been looking at me like he knows what is coming...well, that's what i'm imagining anyway.


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