my team cracks me up. check it:
so i sent an email out with a picture of david clinger. this is the guy who got a facial tatoo (more like head tatoo) in brazil and when he came back, his proffessional bike team WEBCOR wouldn't honor his contract until he got it lasered off. ben replied that the guy was an idiot and that he didn't add to the public perception of cyclists. whatever, but this is where it gets weird
sam retorted:
"What perception is that? So the guy doesn't fit in your box...most time,things like this don't warrant passionate discourse. The underlyingphilosophies for postulating judgment - that can warrant vigorous discourse.In this case probably not considering the audience.
One of the best attributes anyone can have is to appreciate theindividuality inside all of us - especially when that expression is physicaland self-contained. Such appreciation is often the only thing that allowsus to tolerate each other. Like right now?"
so i sent an email out with a picture of david clinger. this is the guy who got a facial tatoo (more like head tatoo) in brazil and when he came back, his proffessional bike team WEBCOR wouldn't honor his contract until he got it lasered off. ben replied that the guy was an idiot and that he didn't add to the public perception of cyclists. whatever, but this is where it gets weird
sam retorted:
"What perception is that? So the guy doesn't fit in your box...most time,things like this don't warrant passionate discourse. The underlyingphilosophies for postulating judgment - that can warrant vigorous discourse.In this case probably not considering the audience.
One of the best attributes anyone can have is to appreciate theindividuality inside all of us - especially when that expression is physicaland self-contained. Such appreciation is often the only thing that allowsus to tolerate each other. Like right now?"