town and country...

well, mostly town. ron and i decided to stay in town for last night's ride including the arb and the capital city trail. i had my camera but i always forget to snap a few shots while riding. it was a great ride/tour around the town, 37 miles w/1000 vertical. madison truly is a biker's town. this week's ride starting temps were at least 30 degrees less than last week's in summer no less...gotta love the midwest (i do).

this weather is great for riding and i can't wait to get the cross bike out tonight after work...i'm thinking military ridge to mt. horeb, back down to verona and a few 'hot' laps around badger prairie (avoiding the roller skiers).

oh, and yesterday the new wilco record came out (although previews have abounded in the months leading up). still something about getting the new cd in my grubby hands that takes me back to when i was discovering music. my first cd ever? rem automatic for the people. anyway, i forgot to buy it yesterday but i'll pick it up at lunch and fill my office with it this afternoon.

happy wednesday.


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